| back | 1 | 2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8I  8II |9 |10 |11 |overview |notes
catalogue numbers |stamps |auctions |images |

Booklet 1 (1932/35)

Front of Cover: H 1B (according to Facit), light grey

Size: 66 x 49 mm

Description: The total value of all stamps of each booklet was 2 ISK. The booklets include four interleafs, printed on both sides with advertisments.

Notes: Only two (incomplete) booklets of H 1A are known. The first only consists of the front cover and one interleaf, the second is complete with respect to the cover and the interleafs, however only contains one stamp (20 aurar). There are also two copies of H 1B known: one copy has been sold by Þór Þorsteins at the beginning of the 21. century. The second copy is 3 stamps missing and has a slightly bend and torn cover.

Catalogue price: In the short "Frimärkshäften" section of the Facit catalogue (at least since 2009) one copy ("1 K") is mentioned, without discriminating between the two versions. A price is not given. In the more detailed listing of Facit 2005 "1 K" is mentioned for booklets H 1A and H 1B each.


Catalogue Numbers
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Facit-catalogue: H 1A and H 1B (see table)
Michel-catalogue: not listed
Scott-catalogue: not listed
DAKA-catalogue: H 1 and H 2 (see table)
Þór Þorsteins-catalogue: SH-1a, SH-1b, and SH-1c (see table)

FacitDAKA Þór Þorsteins Remarks
H 1A H 1 SH-1aissued in 1932, 400 sold
H 1BH 2SH-1bissued in 1932/33, 5000 sold
SH-1cissued in 1934/35, 5000 sold

Note: The remarks in the table above are based on Þór Þorsteins-catalogue.  

Details of the nomenclature of the following table can be found here .

H 1A (light green)

CoverISími 82
Interleafs1 Eiríkur Hjartarson + Malin (type 1)
2 Rósól tannkremi (type 1)
Egill Skallagrímsson
3 Kristján Siggeirsson (type 1)
Nordisk Brandforsikring
4 Póstmálaskrifstofan (type 1)

H 1B (light grey)

CoverISími 3082
Interleafs1 Eiríkur Hjartarson + Malin (type 2)
2 Rósól tannkremi (type 2)
Happdrætti Háskóla (type 1)
3 Kristján Siggeirsson (type 2)
4 Leví
Póstmálaskrifstofan (type 2)

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Quantity of stamps and catalogue numbers are given; perforation only if necessary.

4 stamps
Facit: 194
AFA: 150

6 stamps
Facit: 151
AFA: 161

6 stamps
Facit: 195
AFA: 151

Results from Auctions
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Catalogue no.PriceAuction
H 1B [*]1520 € Postiljonen, 10/2013

[*]: Booklet H 1B contains only 3 (out of 6) stamps of 20 aurar. The front of the cover is slightly bent and torn.


Further Images
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Roman numerals refer to the table "catalogue numbers" above (see also this sketch ).

Front of the Cover (I)

(black/white images)

H 1A
(only cover/one interleaf)


H 1A
(cover and interleafs complete)

Front Cover, Rear Side (II)

same for H 1A and H 1B (black/white image)

Cover (III)

H 1A (black/white image)

Rear Side of the Cover (IV)

H 1A


H 1B


"E. Hjartarson + Malin"
(type 1)
(H 1A)


"E. Hjartarson + Malin"
(type 2)
(H 1B)


"Rósól tannkremi"
(type 1)
(H 1A)


"Rósól tannkremi"
(type 2)
(H 1B)

"Kristján Siggeirsson"
(type 1)
(H 1A)


"Kristján Siggeirsson"
(type 2)
(H 1B)


"Nordisk Brandforsikring"
(H 1A)


(H 1A)

"Happdrætti Háskóla"
(H 1B)


(H 1B)


type 1
(H 1A)

type 2
(H 1B)

(H 1B)


(H 1A, H 1B)


"Egill Skallagrímsson"
(H 1A)

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