| back | 1 |2 | 3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8I  8II |9 |10 |11 |overview |notes
catalogue numbers |stamps |auctions |images |

Booklet 2 (1936)

Front of Cover: H 2C (according to Facit), light grey

Size: 66 x 49 mm

Description: The total value of all stamps of each booklet was 2 ISK. The line "Vefnaðarvöru- og fataverzlun." is in bold face in booklet H 2D and H 3E, however,in H 2D the text "Soffíubúð" is wider than in H 3E. The booklets include four interleafs, printed on both sides with advertisments.

Catalogue price: At least since 2009 the price of the booklet given by the Facit catalogue is unchanged: 30000 skr.


Catalogue Numbers
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Facit-catalogue: H 2 (H 2C and H 2D), see table
Michel-catalogue: not listed
Scott-catalogue: not listed
DAKA-catalogue: H 3a and H 3b
Þór Þorsteins-catalogue: SH-2a, SH-2b

Details of the nomenclature of the following table can be found here .

H 2C (light grey)

CoverI Soffíubúð (width 32 mm), without name of printer
IIÓ. Johnson & Kaaber
Interleafs1 Kristján Siggeirsson (type 3)
Árni Björnsson + Simillon
2 Happdrætti Háskóla (type 2)
Pöntunarfélag Verkamanna
3 Silfur Skeifan
Fröken Fix
4 Póstmálaskrifstofan (type 3)
Peninga má ekki
CoverIIIAróma + Steindórsprent hf.
IVEirikur Hjartarson + Prjónastofan Malin (sími 4690)

H 2D (light yellow)

CoverI Soffíubúð (width 29 mm), with name of printer
IIÓ. Johnson & Kaaber
Interleafs1 Kristján Siggeirsson [*]
Pirola + Árni Björnsson
2 Happdrætti Háskóla
Kron (text only)
3 Frigg
4 Póstnotendur
Sparið ekki
CoverIIIAróma + Steindórsprent hf.
IVEirikur Hjartarson + Prjónastofan Malin (sími 4690)

[*]: likely type 4

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Quantity of stamps and catalogue numbers are given; perforation only if necessary.

4 stamps
Facit: 213
AFA: 184

6 stamps
Facit: 210
AFA: 181

6 stamps
Facit: 195
AFA: 151

Results from Auctions
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Catalogue no.PriceAuction
H 2C4000 € Hettinger, 05/2004
H 2C [*]390 € Postiljonen, 09/2012
H 2D [**]660 € Postiljonen, 09/2012
H 2C [*]850 € Atlas Häftes, 02/2020

Footnote [*] :
The booklet H 2C contains all 4 stamps of 5 aurar, 2 (out of 6) stamps of 10 aurar and 4 (out of 6) stamp of 20 aurar.

Footnote [**]:
The booklet H 2D contains 2 (out 4) stamps of 5 aurar, 3 (instead of 6) stamps of 10 aurar and all 6 stamps (2 of them wereloose) of 20 aurar.


Further Images
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Roman numerals refer to the table "catalogue numbers" above (see also this sketch ).

Front of the Cover (I)

H 2C

H 2C [*]

H 2D

Rear Side of the Cover (IV)

Ad "Eirikur Hjartarson + Prjónastofan Malín":
upper part street with dot (Laugarveg 20 B.), phone number 4690 (Reykjavík without dot),
lower part street with dot (Laugarveg 20 B.), phone number 4690 (Reykjavík without dot).


"Kristján Siggeirsson"
type 4
(H 2C)


"Happdrætti Háskóla"
(H 2C)


"Pöntunarf. Verkamanna"
(H 2C)


"Peninga má ekki"
(H 2C)

(H 2D)


(H 2D)


"Fröken Fix"
(H 2C)


"Spárið ekki"
(H 2D)

"Árni Björnsson + Simillon"
(H 2C)


type 3
(H 2C)

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